General Pests

Some scary and dangerous pests can be found among the over 1,000 bugs in the Florida insect database. Not all make their way to North Port and the surrounding area, but there are ones that can make you run and hide and for a good reason. Many carry diseases that have venomous stings and bites, and some are the things that nightmares are made of. One of the scariest looking ones you will come across is the Wolf Spider.


The Wolf Spider is a big, hairy arachnid that will surely startle you should you come across one. This spider got its name by the particular way that it hunts for prey. The Wolf Spider does not use a web to catch a meal. It will chase down its victims using their incredibly fast running ability. The bite of the Wolf Spider is venomous, but it is not deadly. Victims will usually have some redness and itching and some muscle cramping for just a few days. As with most spider bites, children, the elderly, and those with other allergies are more at risk for adverse reactions. This is not an aggressive spider, but it will attack if provoked.

Unfortunately, they do find their way into homes and places of business and are stumbled upon by people. They are not inside dwellers by nature but will stay if they find a suitable home. Indoors, wolf spiders will take up house at or near floor level. Outside, they can be found under woodpiles, landscaping, and other debris.

While much smaller, this pest has caused more shivers since the dawn of time than all others combined, the Cockroach. There are many types of roaches in Florida, including:

  • German Cockroach

  • Brown Banded Cockroach

  • Oriental Cockroach,

  • Smoky Brown Cockroach,

  • American Cockroach

  • Florida Woods Cockroach

The German Cockroach is the one most commonly found in a house. They look for areas that are warm and humid, and that is in proximity to food and water. For this reason, they are particularly attracted to bathrooms, kitchens, and food prep areas. Cockroaches will eat a great variety of materials, including cheese and bakery products, but they are especially fond of starchy materials, sweet substances, and meat products.

At the first sign of a roach, call Over-A-Cheever Pest Control immediately. A single female can produce 30,000 offspring in a year. Yes, 30,000. It is imperative to get this scourge under control as quickly as possible. At Over-A-Cheever Pest Control immediately, we will take care of all your pest control needs.